Friday 14 June 2013


Procaine preparation with B group vitamins for regeneration.

Packs of 10 ampoules of 2.0 mL each.

One 2.0-mL ampoule contains:
procaine hydrochloride 50 mg,
vitamin B1 10 mg,
vitamin B2 3 mg,
vitamin B6 5mg
natrium Chloride and aqua ad 2mL. 

Ailments of old age, reduced life activity and energy, cerebral and peripheral circulatory disorder, arteriosclerosis, protective therapy of the liver.

Acute decompensated cardiac insufficiency, severe bradycardia, arrhythmia.

In rare cases, allergic reactions that subside mostly after the dosage is reduced.

Interactions with drugs:
Do not apply Revicain ampoules while the patient is being treated with sulfonamides.

Dosage and method of administration:
The recommended standard dose is 8-12 intramuscular injections of one 2.0 mL ampoule, 2-3 days apart.

Revicain is a combination of procaine and a specific high dose of vitamins. These two groups of substances, a well-matched composition, supplement each other.

Geriatric symptoms, degenerative changes and sclerotic changes to the blood vessels can thus be treated with a high therapeutic effectiveness of this agent, as well as circulatory insufficiency and loss of vitality. In consequence lipids and cholesterol are being reduced.

Cell activity, alveor oxygen uptake and utilisation of oxygen in the tissue and organs are im-proved.

Procaine improves the blood flow in sclerotic vessels and lowers the danger of development of oedema.

Reduced life activity, tiredness and reduced memory are particular indications.

The B group vitamins, prevent and improve vitamin deficiency, they improve food utilisation and compensate one-sided nutrition. The lipotropic property of the product activates the liver activity, especially when semi-luxury items have been consumed.

Special advice:
The treatment with Revicain can easily be combined with further biological injections, e.g. the Wiedemann-Homöokomplex therapy.

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