Friday 14 June 2013

Vitamin C + Collagen Platinium Roche (Fake/Imitation)

This is a fake (imitation) product purportedly manufactured by Roche. Roche does not manufacture vitamin C + Collagen and never had. 

Vitamin C does not mix with collagen in a single ampoule because one is water soluble and the other being of high molecular weight & of large molecule, the two does not mix. Furthermore, if you were to inject collagen intravenously (into the vein), you will collapse from an anaphylactic shock or a DIC (disemminated intravascular coagulation) which may prove to be fatal. Injecting collagen is akin to injecting Vitamin E, an oil based vitamin, which cannot be done intravenously. 

All vitamin C + Collagen that are present in the market are actually fake products. That is the reason why there are multiple packaging of the same item in the past. Below are two examples of the previous types of packaging found. Usually the peddlers would say that a certain packaging is from France, another from Italy and yet another was from Vietnam and similar reasons so as to blur the users into believing their stories.  In actual fact these three types of packaging are made by three different packagers in Malaysia. You will not find these items in France, Italy or Vietnam no matter how long you look for them. You are also invited to call Roche and show them these pictures and ask them if they ever produced them and you will not be surprised if they will tell you there are no such products ever produced by Roche.


The main ingredient insude these products is normal vitamin C without any collagen whatsoever. The main reason why these are repacked and marketed as being a product having collagen inside it is to increase the prices. Actually vitamin C when injected in the body, some of it will be used in the synthesis of collagen by our own body (skin) and other parts. Vitamin C is essential in the formation of collagen but there is no collagen injection that can be administered directly into a vein. Collagen can only be administered orally, intradermally, subcutaneously or even intramuscularly (of dubios benefits), but NEVER intravenously.

Essentially, there is no real Vitamin C + Collagen injections in the market, no matter what the brand is (there are various brands claiming to contain both vit C and collagen in the same ampoule. Whats available are fake or imitated goods. 

Below, is a letter that was sent by Roche Malaysia to one of our clients who made inquiries to Roche Malaysia, thereby confirming our report on the inauthenticity of Laroscorbine Platinium. 

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